Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 2 in Guangzhou

So, this is our second day in Guangzhou and we are having a lot of fun being back together with the travel group. Last night we went to a Japanese steakhouse as a group. Elise was so cute! She loved sitting there watching the cook prepare the food right in front of us. I was afraid to give her any toys for fear she would throw one on the cooking surface, so I let her play with a pair of chopsticks, which she throughly enjoyed! And she did throw it on the the hot cooking surface! Our guide thought it was hillarious, me not so much! But the cook laughed so I guess it wasn't too bad. Elise ate a TON of food! This girl can pack it away like no one I've seen before! I have no idea where she puts it all because she is so stinking little. But, she can devour asian food! She'll eat anything I put in front of her (except french fries) but she really loves asian food, and she likes it spicey!

Today we went to a folk art museum, which I wasn't real excited about going to, however it turned out to be a pretty neat place and we got my nieces & the boys a really cool souvinier! A book mark that was hand painted using fingers! Now if you think finger painting is only for Kindergarten, then wait until you see these amazing paintings! We watched the guy paint one, and it was just crazy! He only used his fingers, finger nails and the side of his hands, but you won't believe the result! It is done on white paper with black ink. He also put the kids names on each one in Chinese characters. I know Lauren (my niece, who is a budding artist) will be happy!

Later tonight we are going to Shamian Island for dinner and some shopping! My two favorite things to do! It is already Sunday afternoon here, and while we are having a great time in Guangzhou, I have started the countdown for home!! We leave here on Wednesday and head to Hong Kong! Only 2 more full days here in Guanghzou!! Please continue to pray for safe travels and for paperwork to go according to plan on Tuesday!!

Some pictures from our Japanese dinner & just cute pictures of Elise!!


  1. I love reading about your journey! Can't wait to meet Elise in person!!!

  2. Tracy, I too am with you in spirit and in prayers. We are sooo happy for you, Tom, your children and now little Elise. Prayers for safe travels home are with you! Love, Aunt Kathy
