Saturday, June 4, 2011

Elise's Home Coming

Blake waiting patiently for us to walk down the hallway

I can't begin to thank everyone enough! This has truely been a journey. The journey started for us about 6 years ago when we decided to pursue an international adoption. A decision that came after God placed the desire in our hearts, after much prayer and discussions. We started the process by applying with America World in July of 2005, and you know the rest of the story. The paper chasing, the fundraising, the long wait that turned into years! While I do not know all the reasons why the wait was so long, I do believe that God has a purpose in that long wait. I know that the wait & Elise are all a part of God's perfect plan. I know that having Emmie while waiting for Elise was also a part of God's master plan. Emmie is already such a good big sister. I won't lie, there are some jealousy issues coming out, but overall she is doing very well with the transisition from baby to big sister!

Emmie holding her sign for Elise!

We made it home to a huge welcome committee! The signs, balloons & familiar faces were a great sight for me!! I was so happy to be back with the family & friends we cherish so much! I loved traveling in China, but I was VERY ready to get home to my other 3 kids, my husband, and everyone else I missed so much!

Some of the crowd waiting on us!

Elise's home coming was something I've dreamed of for a very long time, and you all made it everything I've dreamed of. I think she knows she's well loved!!! The pictures in this blog are some awesome pictures taken by Cinnamon! Thanks Cinny!!!

Brandon doing some video taping for us

Tom holding his daughter for the first time!

Daddy kisses!

Meeting Aunt Lori

Uncle Scott video taping

Papaw anticipating the arrival of his newest grandaughter!

Sydney all decked out in her American attire!

First family photo with all 6 of us!


  1. Awww. . .so sweet to see you all together. Love seeing Elise with her daddy!

  2. Oh, how wonderful to see the 6 of you all together!!! I was worried about Elise's initial reaction to Tom, as she was unused to men, but it looks like she's pretty comfortable with him right off the bat. Awesome! Can't wait to see everyone.
